Friendly reminder

No matter how passionate you are in something, its inevitable that you will hit a wall in regards to motivation and creativity. Some may call it “writer’s block” or just simply bored. Doing what you love and transforming a hobby as a profession can suck the joy out of you. How can you regain that […]

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EBF talk @ Essex County College

I had the awesome opportunity to speak at Essex County College. What a joy it was to share my story with the students of Professor Terry Benjamin’s English 101 class. In addition to utilizing my website as a tool for discussion,  I provided tips to the audience on how to make a living doing what […]

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Beyond the Philip’s Academy

I had the pleasure of returning as a guest speaker at the Philips Academy located at 342 Central, Newark, NJ. Even though this  was my 3rd time visiting the school,  I still get the jitters! What an experience it is to speak in front of a group of teens! A speaker can learn a lot […]

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Beyond the glass

Instead of the typical date at the movies followed by dinner, my wife and I enjoyed an arts and craft outing at GlassRoots, located at 10 Bleeker Street in Newark, NJ. I must say this had to be one of the best dates! The best way to describe the layout is an industrial art studio: […]

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It’s not a lesson without pain

As a certified fitness instructor, I not only enjoy training a group of individuals but also motivating them through speech. One of the lessons I edify and have learned myself is that in order to grow, experiencing some sort of pain is part of the equation. We all know this reality, and we call it […]

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Not Without Consequence

There is no reward without sacrfice. Paying dues in order to achieve the position you desire can be a bumpy road, even when you fulfill your goals the journey doesn’t end. What you do or accomplish can have a positive or negative effect, no matter if your intentions are good there will be someone who […]

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Overall Winner=Total package

One of the most depressing things I hear some people say in their victory speech is that this particular event or sport is the only thing they were ever good at. It could be sport related, dance, a singing competition…etc., a person can get caught up in one activity and program themselves to think that […]

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We are often told to change as life changes because nothing stays the same. I was born and bred to be an entertainer and dancer. I love making people smile through my self expression. As a performer I felt unstoppable. As I matured my skills progressed and opportunities arose for me. Eventually, just like anything […]

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Easy ways to demand your respect for your hard work… without looking like a cry baby

It’s very rare that anyone would admit they can be a cry baby, one of the biggest denials is that we don’t care what people think about us or our projects. An opinion is important. Many people’s success are based on a population’s opinion. For example, a music artist cannot put out a marketable album […]

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“Talk of the Town”

Ever ask yourself this question: Why is that person more successful than me? Why do people talk about that person more than me? It’s not necessarily that the person is better than you or cooler than you. That person possesses a powerful tool called marketing! There are many talented men and women in the entertainment […]

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